Practical, Efficient And Personable Legal Services

Month: September 2021

Is this parental alienation?

When parents go through a divorce, it is impossible to keep track of every single thing that happens. Unfortunately, spiteful and bitter parents may use this time of distraction as a way to drive a wedge between their child and co-parent. This act - parental...

Revise your estate plan after divorce

Divorce is often a complicated and messy process. Separating two lives takes careful planning and patience. After a divorce, it is essential to take the next step in that separation by revising your estate plan. Reconsider guardianship If you have children with your...

What are the different types of advance directives?

Most people think about their assets and property when the topic of estate planning comes up. However, there are estate planning steps you must take to protect yourself while you are still alive. This is where an advance directive comes in. According to the American...

